Proposed Project
The land for the Royal Vista Golf Club is split between multiple landowners who leased it to a course operator. Unfortunately, the Royal Vista Golf Club struggled to remain profitable and can no longer afford to maintain all 27 holes. (An agreement to operate it as a golf course expired in 2016. The course closed on February 29, 2024.)
The owners of the eastern section of the course are interested in rededicating their portion of the land to badly-needed housing, open space, and trails. The plan includes 200 single-family detached homes, 58 duplex homes, 30 triplex homes, and 72 townhome units, with wide, landscaped recreational trail areas separating the new development from existing neighboring homes. The plan provides a range of new housing options for local families, including an affordable housing component.
The Royal Vista clubhouse and rest of the golf course would be unaffected by this plan, while most of the project’s immediate neighbors would retain views of maintained green space and new open spaces. Given the inevitable changes to the Royal Vista Golf Club, it is a solution created with the desire to preserve Rowland Heights’ community character and respect its existing neighborhoods.
Four Touchstones
Finding a balanced approach to the current and future needs of the community.

Royal Vista Golf Club has ceased operations
It’s not a secret that for some time the golf course has struggled, unable to afford needed course and clubhouse improvements and the land leases on all 27 holes. Royal Vista Golf Club had been operating without a land lease on a month-by-month basis, subsidized by their landowners since January 2016. The golf course operator closed the course February 29, 2024.
This development would only affect the eastern part of the course; the rest of the land and the clubhouse are owned by others and are not part of the Royal Vista Residential Project.

The area needs new housing for families and workers
Even as the Rowland Heights area continues to prosper economically, it’s falling further behind in providing enough new homes for professionals and families. The project’s diverse range of for-sale houses, duplexes, triplexes, and townhomes would meet a variety of homebuyer needs—and includes an affordable housing component. As part of its investment in the area’s future, it also funds improvements to public streets and sidewalks and upgrades street lighting and landscaping.

1/3 of the land dedicated to publicly accessible open space and trails
With over 28 acres of publicly accessible open space and wide greenway buffering them from the new homes, most of the adjacent neighbors will retain open space views. The paseo recreational trail system / linear walking park will stretch over two miles and feature trees and extensive landscaping on either side. It minimizes the footprint of the new homes and honors the open space view of existing homeowners.

Repurpose the land for the community’s broadest benefit
As this portion of the Royal Vista Golf Club changes, it creates opportunities for the community to weigh in on how Rowland Heights should evolve, too. In proposing homes that are much more compatible with existing neighborhoods, this project put into practice past lessons from other, higher-density proposals. We will continue to listen, too, holding community meetings, providing FAQs on our website, and participating in public meetings and hearings.
Upcoming Public Events
Notice of Public Hearing:
Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors
Hearing date and time (RESCHEDULED):
Tuesday, October 1, 2024 at 10am
Hearing location:
Kenneth Hahn Hall of Administration, 500 W. Temple Street, Room 381B
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Live Board Meeting
To Address the Board:
10/1/2024 – Policy Presentations Board Meeting at 10am (Agenda item 1)
Call: (877) 226-8163 / Participant Code: 1336503
To Listen by Telephone Only:
Call: (877) 873-8017 / Access Code: 111111 (English) 222222 (Español)
Live Stream
Submit Public Comment
How to Participate
We will continue to update and expand the list of documents over time.
- Project fact sheet (updated August 1, 2024)
- Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) (LA County Planning Department website, updated May 28, 2024)
Past Meetings
July 24, 2024
Regional Planning Commission Hearing
December 13, 2023
In-person Community Meeting
December 11, 2023
In-person Community Meeting
December 6, 2022
In-person Community EIR Scoping Meeting
November 14, 2022
In-person Community Meeting
November 1, 2022
Online Community EIR Scoping Meeting
December 7, 2021
Online Community Informational Meeting
NOTE: Residential product types and quantities have been modified since the Dec. 7, 2021 community informational meeting.
Transcripts of the meeting are available in Chinese, Korean, and Spanish
October 19, 2021
Online Board of Supervisors Hearing
July 28, 2021
Online Regional Planning Commission Hearing
Frequently Asked Questions
Updated August 1, 2024.
NOTE: Questions and comments from the Community Informational Meeting have been edited for brevity and to reduce redundancies. A full recording of the December 7th meeting can be found above. In addition, some responses below have been modified based on recent Site Plan changes which increased the proposed number of residential units from 322 to 360.